Totem Tuesday: July 30th, 2024

Design improvements, Tech for Good, and a new website facelift! July is coming to an end, and we've got so many updates for you... Let's dive in 🫢

Totem Tuesday: July 30th, 2024



Hey fam 🫢


I've got a riddle for you.




I'm sweet, but a little spicy


smooth, but a little high-key


sincere, but a little savvy



What am I?




The answer, dearest Tribe,


is, of course...






(ok, that may not have been the most challenging riddle you've ever come across butβ€”points for the creativity, no?)





Alright Tribeβ€”let’s vibe.



Our whole team is back in Chattanooga, and it feels sooo good. πŸ€—


This week is all about debriefing on all the testing results from this past month and making improvements to validate on our next QA Testing Trip this weekend... Hard Summer!



That said,


there's a lot to catch you up on, so we'll dive right into all of it.




Two quick announcements before we get started:




Here's where we are in the process:


We're still conducting QA testing, which is the final phase before rollout (keep reading for exciting Testing updates).


We expect that it will be at least another 5-6 weeks before we start shipping.


Based on all our recent testing data, we've decided to make one final design improvement before rollout. More info on this below!


Good things come to those who wait, we promise 🫢




If you missed the last couple of Totem Tuesdays, you might want to check your spam folder (or just peep our Blog)


We recently escaped from the clutches of Microsoft and migrated over to G Suite.


This is a great thing, but resulted in some temporary technical issues on email delivery. That should all be fixed now!


Thank you for sticking with us through the process 😊






OK! Enough housekeeping.


Let’s get into it.



This is our weekly progress report to all our favorite people.



Welcome to the Totem Tuesday 3-2-1.


3 things we accomplished,

2 things we learned,

1 thing coming up



Let’s go, Tribe!



(P.S. β€” we have so many new people joining the Tribe this month! If this is your first Totem Tuesday, welcome πŸ€—

We are so grateful that you found your way here. 🫢)



3 things we accomplished




friend finder for festivals
cheers to a week of progress!


1) Design Improvements


Based on all the extremely thorough QA Testing we've conducted over the past month, we made a big decision.


We are making one final design improvement to the Totem Compass before rollout.



This design improvement will give you a much better Totem Experience in all kinds of different settings!



Things like...


  • the SOS button will be a little easier to press (particularly for those of you wearing beautiful acrylics)
  • the LEDs will be brighter so you can see them more clearly while the sun is out
  • the durability and weatherproofing will be even stronger
  • better power latching to improve your battery's longterm lifespan


and a few other things that are a little more technical. Β 


We expect that this is the final design change we'll makeβ€”then it's time for rollout! Β 


The new design has already been completed and the mold production has officially begun. Things are moving, and we're building great momentum. Β 


The Totem Testing Tour has been a great success thus far, and you can rest assured that you'll receive a world-class product as a result of all this hard work. 🫢




totem compass
our CTO, Chase, hard at work on new design improvements.
totem friend finder
the Totem Compass vibing to the tune of progress


2) Website Facelift


We are in the midst of a big website redesign! Have you checked out the Totem site recently?



The UX is better than ever and will continue to get EVEN BETTER over the next 2 weeks.



Just a few highlights for you:


  • new product images (no more prototype shotsβ€”hooray!)

  • filtering tabs on the Blog page

  • dedicated signup page to make it easier for new Tribe members to join us here for Totem Tuesday

  • Google Maps integrated into our new contact page so you can see exactly where Totem HQ is located

  • new homepage video (coming soon 😎)



Feels great, scrolls great, looks great. What more could you ask for?



totem labs
slick, updated Home Page coming your way


totem labs
peep the Blog page for improvements!



3) Tech For Good Award


This week we also received some exciting news...



Totem has been nominated for the annual Tech For Good Award!



Every year, the Chattanooga Technology Council holds the TechX Awards, a ceremony to recognize the best & brightest in our tech community.



The Tech For Good Award is a new category in the award ceremony and we are very grateful to have been nominated. 🫢🏼




We've heard so many of your stories from around the world this year...


➑️ Stories of getting lostβ€”sometimes in silly and fun ways, but sometimes in serious and even life-threatening ways.


➑️ Stories from people with physical or mental disabilities who feel comfort knowing that our product is coming to help them.


➑️ Stories from people in third world countries who can't rely on their cell phone in daily life.



Getting lost is a vulnerable but universal human experience. We are on a mission to remove anxiety, worry, and pain from the worldβ€”and replace it with love, unity, and beautiful memories.




We are so grateful to even be considered for this award, and it's all because of you guys. Our Tribe. 🩷



Thank you for making our work possible.



totem chattanooga
great things happening in the Chattanooga tech world!
Totem Tribe
and it's all because of YOU 🫢



2 things to learn



1) SOS Mode


Have you read our latest blog all about the SOS Mode on the Totem Compass?



There has been SO MUCH enthusiasm and excitement about this feature.


In fact, we've even gotten a bunch of great ideas from the Tribe this past week on our SOS Instagram post about how to make it even better!



Currently when you SOS, it makes your light on your friend's Totem begin to blink. This tells them to come find you.



But feedback from the Tribe also got us thinking about ways to make it even more noticeable when you're vibing hard at a show and not paying much attention to your Totem.



So we're going to add in a little extra feature to make it even more noticeable that your friend is SOSing while your Totem is in Vibe Mode.


A few ideas we're playing with...


  • make the Touch Crystal begin blinking red
  • make the Light Ring begin strobing red
  • a revolving red light around the Light Ring



We're going to try out a few options over the next few weeks and decide which one is best at catching your attention! Β If you want to learn more about SOS Mode, or any other feature on the Totem Compass, be sure to check out our blog!


SOS totem
press the SOSΒ button on the back of your Totem to alert your friends

Totem compass SOS
the peer light on your friend's Totem will start blinking



2) Tribe Management Mode


Have you ever wondered about how to manage your Tribe of friends on the Totem Compass once you've bonded?



If you've read our blog about Bonding the Totem Compass, you know that the Totem Compass doesn't come in hard-paired groups.



That means you can bond with anyone, at any time! Even with a brand-new friend (or rave-bae) that you meet at the event. πŸ˜‰



But what happens when the event is over? Or when you meet a new friend and want to add them, but you're already Bonded with 4 people?



Enter Tribe Management Mode.



Tribe Management Mode allows you to delete a peer from your Totemβ€”and also to delete you from theirs as well.



Using Tribe Management Mode is super simple. πŸ€—


  1. double-tap the Touch Crystal to enter Tribe Management Mode
  2. tap the Touch Crystal to cycle through your friends
  3. hold the Touch Crystal to delete the selected friend


It's that easy! Β We'll have a few videos showing the process on social media over the next couple of weeks. Keep your eyes peeled πŸ‘€



totem tracker
how Tribe Management Mode works



1 thing to look forward to



Of course, we're going to Hard Summer this weekend for the next stop on the Totem Testing Tour, which is BIG...


but we mentioned that in last week's Totem Tuesday (you can read it here)



So here's something else for you to get excited about.



We've done 4 podcast interviews in the last few weeks!


And the first one went live just last week πŸ™Œ



Carter was invited onto a great show called Venturing with Vishesh and it was an awesome 90 minute deep-dive into all things Totem.


The show highlights interviews with founders, top executives, and thought leaders from around the globe. It focuses on insights about entrepreneurship and scaling a company.


On Venturing, Carter went deep into the Totem story and the philosophy that has guided our design, product development, and marketing from the very beginning.



The episode is available on all major podcast platformsβ€”give it a listen! 😁



Over the next month, other interviews will be published on:



With these coming interviews, you'll be able to go further behind the veil than ever before. 🫢



Carter Fowler Totem
Carter and Vishesh talking all things Totem
totem labs chattanooga
a preview of more media to come!Β 




A Special Reflection



Hey there πŸ˜ŠπŸ‘‹



You made it all the way to the end.


That makes you pretty special.



With you, special person, I want to share a quick reflection.



In life, sometimes things don't work out how we expect them to.



There's something tricky about expectations. We create them. But then our creations can quickly take control of us.


But sometimes expectations get in the way of truly experiencing life for what it is.



That's one of the most challenging parts of building a startup that gets worldwide attention, practically overnight.



We don't just have to deal with our own expectationsβ€”which are MASSIVE, by the way.



We also deal with expectations of tens of thousands of people from all around the world, every single week.



It's a lot of emotion.




That emotion can fuel you, or it can paralyze you.


It can embolden you, or it can imprison you.




Take notice of the expectations you have for yourself and your life.


Don't let them get in the way of your happiness.


And whatever you doβ€”don't let your life be controlled by expectations (regardless of whether they are yours or others).


You have to do you.


Make the best decision you can, with the information you have at the time.



If the results exceed your expectations, that's a valuable learning opportunity.


If they fall short of your expectations, that's an even MORE valuable learning opportunity.




Life is about learning lessons.

The day you stop learning, is the day you die.


What you make of your life, is up to you.


Expectations are merely a distraction from doing the work.




Totem Team, out.






(P.S. β€” if this is your first Totem Tuesday, we hiiighly recommend that you go back and check out the Totem Tuesday archives on our Blog. Every single decision we’ve made with the product is detailed extensively in past editions. Have fun 😘)




totem labs team
thank you for letting us learn and grow with you 🫢


it's coming so soon...
