Totem Update 6/26/24

Totem Update 6/26/24

Hey friend—

Guess what?

We back, baby.




So let's get these cookies, y'all.

This is our weekly progress report to all our favorite people.

We are 100% back to regular programming, and that means we've got a FULL 3-2-1 for you today.

Kick back and enjoy the ride 😘

Welcome to the Totem 3-2-1.

3 things we accomplished,

2 things for you to learn,

1 thing coming up

Let’s go, Tribe!

3 things we accomplished

1) Software Update Protocol

Something we've been working on for a loooooong time—and recently finalized—is the Totem software update protocol.

This is a really nifty piece of tech that allows us to share free software updates and product improvements to Totems around the world, straight from our servers at Totem HQ.

Our tech team has been working hard to make it extremely simple and fast. Here's how it works:

  1. Scan the QR code on your Totem to access the latest free software update on your smart phone
  2. Connect to your Totem hotspot using your smartphone
  3. Hold the power button during power-up (just for a few seconds) until the crystal lights begin to twinkle

The update will then automatically download to your Totem. The crystal will continue to twinkle and you will see a progress bar begin to fill around the Totem's ring of lights.  This hotspot-integrated method for software updates is common in advanced tech products like Bose headphones—the only difference is that we don't require you to download a mobile app! You can issue your update straight from our website to your Totem, using your phone as a bridge.  

This process takes a maximum of 30 seconds—usually it's done in less than 10 🤌  

We recommend that you build a habit of updating your Totem Compass at home before leaving for any major event or festival. Just add it as a task on your packing list and you'll be good to go!  

With this update protocol, we can even make Totems do something uniquely awesome within a particular geo-fenced area during a particular window of time. How cool is that?  Think... once-in-a-lifetime crowd Vibes made specially for a single festival.   The possibilities are nearly endless, and you will play a crucial role in guiding these continuous improvements and updates with your product feedback!

Totem Compass software update
what the software update looks like on your Totem Compass

Totem Compass software update
how to download software updates to your Totem Compass

2) QR Code Flows

We've also finalized all the QR code flows for the Totem Compasses! This is incredibly important for you, because it will be the easiest way for you to access important info about your Totem anywhere, any time.

Each Totem comes with a 100% unique QR Code on its back. The QR code is just as unique as your very own fingerprints, no Totem in the world will have your exact code.

You will experience different user flows at different times, based on your past history with your Totem.

💠 The first time you scan, you will be prompted to register your Totem (to make warranty claims easier and product feedback more helpful). Then you will be directed to the QuickStart Guide to give you a crash course on everything you need to know to become a fully adept Totemian.

💠 The second time you scan, you will see a LinkTree-style page with multiple linked paths. This will make it super easy for you to find exactly what you're looking for, whether you want to revisit the QuickStart Guide, submit Product Feedback, join our Discord, or access exclusive discounts and promotions.

💠 When someone else scans your QR code after you've registered your Totem, they will be able to sign-up to receive a personalized discount code. Eventually, we plan to have an automated referral program running, so that you can earn rewards for every person who scans your QR code and makes a purchase!

Our team has spent SO MUCH TIME designing every little aspect of the Customer Experience for this product—even digital processes like these QR codes and the software update protocol.

We know that it takes more than a great product to provide an amazing customer experience 🫶

Totem Compass QR c ode
the QR code is on the back of the Totem Compass

Totem Compass QR code page
this landing page appears when you scan the QR code for the first time

3) Rested & Recharged

This is, perhaps, the most important item on today's Totem Tuesday.

Our entire Team took this entire past weekend off—it was our first time not working through the weekend in over a MONTH 🤯

Burnout is real. We care so much about this product, and we care EVEN MORE about this Tribe.

That conviction leads us to exert extraordinary, superhuman effort on the daily. But, as it turns out, we are not actually superhuman—we are just normal human beings trying to turn the world into a safer, freer, more beautiful place.

The R&R was so important. We came into work on Monday morning feeling refreshed, with a renewed perspective and good feelings all around.

We can only serve our Tribe as well as we serve ourselves. Lesson learned. A more sustainable, balanced energy is filling the air here at Totem HQ.

True love begins on the inside.

Totem Labs office
Totem: closed for the weekend! 

2 things to learn

1) Totem Compass Housing

One of the most common topics that Tribe Members asked questions about last week was the Totem Compass Housing.

We heard from parents who wanted to make sure that it was safe for their children.

We heard from outdoor adventurers who wanted to know whether it was durable enough for their adventures.

We heard from fest-heads who wanted to know how well it would endure dusty air at Burning Man and the inevitable rain at EDC Orlando.

So without further ado, here's a breakdown of key info about the Totem Compass Housing:

Totem Housings are made of ABS (acrylonitrile butadiene styrene for all you chemistry fans out there). ABS is a thermoplastic polymer, carefully chosen by our CTO, Chase, for its awesome properties.

ABS makes our Housings:

  • Highly impact-resistant
  • Structurally durable
  • Resistant to chemicals
  • Well-functioning in high & low temperatures
  • Insulated to electricity

ABS is also non-toxic and safe for children.

For all our wonderful parents: LEGO bricks and musical instruments are commonly molded with ABS!

The Housings themselves are designed so that no small parts can break off with normal use. And, although the Totem Compass is small (around the size of a double stuf Oreo) it's too big for a child to choke on. Rest assured that your Totem is designed to be kid-friendly.

Another great thing about the Totem Compass Housings is that they are fully waterproof and dustproof (confirmed through our most recent QA Testing at Bonnaroo). The Housings have a unique clam-shell style design and are sealed with O-rings, which keeps a super tight seal!

Totem Compass housing display
Totem Housings: so shiny it's appalling!

Totem Compass Housings
Totem Housings in the wild

2) Unity Mesh Network

One super interesting topic to learn about is the Unity Mesh Network—Totem's custom-built proprietary mesh network protocol.

The Unity Mesh Network is important because it has the ability to give you boundless range at most festivals if there is a low base user rate at the festival (1-2% of attendees).

Some people online have mistakenly claimed that the range of the Totem Compass maxes out somewhere between 500-1000M, but that isn't true for most real-world use cases.

The peer-to-peer range maxes out between 500-1000M, but that is only relevant if you and your one friend are the only two people at the whole festival with Totems.

Once there is a third Tribe Member at the event, they start helping you extend your range. And you start helping them, in the same way!

Our mesh network is built based on the concept of emergent synchronization.

Emergent synchronization is the phenomenon that explains why thousands of fireflies can flash in-sync with each other, and why many moons are tidally-locked to their planet in our solar system.

If you want to learn more, we recommend checking out this super interesting video by Veritasium that explains this topic beautifully. It will blow your mind!

P.S. — we've got a post going up about the Unity Mesh Network on our blog later this week. Stay synced with us!

Totem Compass Unity Mesh Network
diagram of how the Unity Mesh Network works

totem compass veritasium
click on the image to watch an awesome video about Synchronization!

1 thing to look forward to

We've got something big in the works... and it's going to change the game for Totem Tribe members around the world.

As we speak, Totem's badass new Community Manager, Jahís, is hard at-work on the official Totem Discord.

The Totem Discord is a tangible gesture that shows our commitment to you. We aren't here just to sell a product and make money. We are here to build a worldwide community of love and beauty.

The Totem Discord will give you more access to the Totem Team, but even more importantly, it will allow you to connect with each other more than ever before. It will also give you an easy way to share YOUR vision for the Totem Compass with us, and help shape our product roadmap.

In the Totem Discord, you will be able to:

  • access deeper information than we share on social media
  • meet other Tribe members from around the world
  • engage in discussions about different Totem use cases
  • share ideas for new product features
  • receive first access to software updates

New members will be joining every day. We have customers in over 40 countries and the Totem Tribe covers the entire world!

It won't be ready for a few more weeks, but when the flood gates open up... You better be ready! 🤩

Totem Labs Discord
stay tuned for our official Discord launch!

All because of a dream

Hey there 😊👋

I hope you enjoyed the read this week. Our entire team had fun cooking it up for you.

If you didn't know, the Summer Solstice was last week. It's got me feeling a little sentimental.

The last Solstice was December 21st, 2023—the Winter Solstice.

And man, have things changed since then.

On December 21st, 2023, we had:

➡️  0 investors, $0 in funding

➡️  only 1 full-time team member

➡️  < 300 followers across our socials

➡️  only 72 subscribers on Totem Tuesday

And now... everything is different.

➡️ Ample funding from investors all over the world

➡️ 6 full-time team members

➡️  over 110,000 followers across socials

➡️ over 20,000 subscribers on Totem Tuesday

All because of a dream.

A dream that we wouldn't allow to stay just a dream.

On that note...


Don't let your dreams be dreams.

Take a risk. Bet on yourself.

You might just change the world.

Totem Team, out.


Totem Labs team
we see you, we hear you, and we are grateful you're here.

it's coming so soon...
