Rollout Update - December 10th, 2024
Hey there 🫶
We are so grateful for you.
The fact that you take time out of your day, every single week, to read these updates… it means so much.
Every day, we take a moment to express gratitude for the entire Totem Tribe around the world.
And yes, that includes YOU.
OK, I'll put dessert aside now so we can get to the meal here…
You know what time it is!!!
(episode 54 - never missed a week!)
Before we begin...
Are you a parent who ordered the Totem Compass for their family?
Our team would love to speak with you, and learn about your family! If you are interested, please email us at 🫶
Alright Tribe—LET'S VIBE!
During Rollout, we are keeping things focused and simple here on Totem Tuesday, this week just focusing on the latest Rollout Updates.
⬇️ Rollout Update ⬇️
As you know, Rollout is moving a bit slower than originally expected due to some early issues with manufacturer defects, but we're still making progress! Here's all the latest.
Another shipment of Totems has arrived and been approved by our Quality Control team. You know what that means...
More Totems are shipping out this week!
(Remember—when you get yours, share it on your Instagram story and tag us! We will repost every single one.)
Looking forward, we will be receiving weekly shipments over the next month as we move through the order backlog—and the shipments are only increasing in size as we go.
We are getting very close to approving the manufacturer's Quality Control process. When their QC is approved, Totems will start shipping directly to our fulfillment partner without first making a stop at HQ. This will speed up the shipping time from factory to consumer by 40-50%. 😍
We'll know when we receive next week's shipment and our internal team has a chance to evaluate it in-person. We'll keep you in the loop—fingers crossed!
As a loving reminder, the Shipping Queue is prioritized by chronological order. The people who have already received their Totems were the first people who placed a pre-order. If you have questions about your specific order status, you can reach our wonderful Customer Service team by interacting with the chat button on our website.
The last pre-orders in the Queue will ship out in January—possibly sooner. New orders (aka non-pre-orders) will then begin shipping out immediately afterward in January.

OK! That's all the news for this week.
To close things out, here's a quick note and book recommendation from Carter, our CEO (Chief Energy Officer):
Quick question...
Are you familiar with Viktor Frankl's book, Man's Search for Meaning?
It's one of the most impactful books I've ever read.
Viktor Frankl was an Austrian neurologist, psychologist, philosopher, and Holocaust survivor. In his book, Man's Search for Meaning, he talks about the 3 years he spent in Nazi concentration camps and analyzes the experience from an academic, psychological perspective.
This book changed my life, and I firmly believe that everyone should read this book at least once before they die.
I won't go into all the details, but there is one core premise I want to share...
No matter what the world chooses for you,
you always have a choice.
Some freedoms can be stripped away, but freedom itself cannot be—
because we always have the freedom to choose our attitude. To choose HOW we will do what we do.
Even when we don't have the power to change a situation, we always have the power to change ourselves.
That is a message we could all be reminded of more often (myself included).
I hope you'll give it a read sometime!
That book might just change your life forever.
✌️ + 🩷
The Totem Team
(P.S. — if this is your first Totem Tuesday, we hiiighly recommend that you go back and check out all the past Totem Tuesdays on our website. Every single decision we’ve made with the product is detailed extensively in past editions. Have fun 😘)